In this blog let us understand what is encryption and look at it’s types.
Before getting into details let me give you a real-time example which will give you a better clarity to understand what exactly encryption is.
Say you want to give a quotation about your new project to your client and want to keep it a secret and not reveal to any employee of your company until the project is approved how do you do that?
It is simple what you do is just generate a secret code where you attach your quotation so that no one in your company understands the true meaning of it but the client for whom you sent the message will be able to understand it and approves your quotation and your company is assigned the desired project.
So what happened in the previous scenario why did the client only understand the message but no employee understood what is the message?
Let me elaborate the person sent an encrypted message which is a secret code that is only understandable by the client on other side.
Now let us try to connect the dots and understand encryption.!

Encryption is a method in which your information is converted into a secret key so that the true information is not revealed.
In a real-time scenario when we open WhatsApp, Instagram we see a word “end-to-end encrypted”.
What do you mean by the word “end-to-end encrypted”?
End-to-End encrypted or end-to-end encryption is a process where you will be able to have a secure communication with your friends, family or clients preventing third party access.

In the next blog let us see what are the types of encryption and what RSA is..