What is ChatGPT And What Are It’s Applications?

In this blog let us see what is this ChatGPT?

As we have already seen in our previous blog that AI is a model which is trained to mimic the actions of a human brain, now why are we reviving into past and learning about AI how is this linked to this ChatGPT?

The context about AI is the bridge to the our blog so let us see what is ChatGPT first.

Now what is ChatGPT used for?

Let us create a parallel connection with an example which will give a good flavor on the concept.

Say, Robert have a project where he needs to build a medical healthcare application and is stuck with a bug in his code and is not able to proceed further and rectify the error and has a deadline to submit the project the next day, now Peter his friend tried to help him to give a solution looking into his code but he also did not understand what the bug is so he used a special technique and pointed out the bug and rectified the code.

Now what is the special technique he used?

He used ChatGPT, he first copied the snippet then pasted the snippet in ChatGPT prompt which will explain Peter what the bug is and provide a solution for the error.

Now let us try to understand what is this ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence model which was launched by OpenAI on November 30, 2022.

Now the usage of ChatGPT has grown from the day of its launch the statistics is as follows:

From the day of its release ChatGPT has gained around 100 million users over the internet.

Now what does ChatGPT stand for?

ChatGPT stands for Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer.

Now what is this Chat Generative Pretrained Transformer?

GPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer which is a type of language model architecture that uses deep learning techniques, specifically transformer to generate human-like text.

GPT models are trained on large amounts of text data and can generate coherent and contextually relevant responses to given prompts or questions.

Detailed information on deep learning will be explained in the next blog.

So up to what extent is ChatGPT accurate?

ChatGPT as explained above is a AI model and is not 100% accurate it was trained with 570 GB data which contains information about everything which was taken from different websites, books and etc.

Advantages of ChatGPT:

  1. ChatGPT has the ability to understand natural human language and can respond to any questions encountered by a human being it might be anything from a very easy question extended to a very complex question.
  2. ChatGPT is versatile and can be applied in various fields including customer support, content generation, education assistance, and etc.
  3. ChatGPT has a large knowledge base and provides answers to any question encountered by a human.

Disadvantages of ChatGPT:

  1. As ChatGPT is an AI bot it cannot generate accurate information and will not fulfill 100% criteria.
  2. ChatGPT is very sensitive to the way of questioning, small change in the words will make a drastic change in the way of the answers it generate.
  3. Training and deploying large language models like ChatGPT require substantial computational resources and infrastructure. This can make them expensive to develop, maintain, and scale.
  4. It cannot detect images, videos to extract information from it and display it to the users.

Let us try to illustrate the ChatGPT with the below attached pictures now:

Step 1: Search for ChatGPT on Google then after clicking on Login/Signup you will be taken to the respective page to proceed further.

Step2: After login/signup you will be taken to this page:

Now let us try to enter a prompt and see it’s response:

This is how we enter something in the prompt and it will start generating the information and will display the information to us after it is done or we can click on stop generating if the information generated is enough or even in the case when we entered a wrong prompt.

This it it for this blog if you like do share it with your friends and follow us for more updates.

What is ChatGPT And What Are It’s Applications?
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