What is AI?


AI stands for artificial intelligence which helps us to program the actions of a human brain into robot or a bot which can mimic the actions inputted by the human. In simple words we can say that we train a machine with instructions and expect the machine to function as we trained it.

Artificial Intelligence

When was AI introduced?

Artificial intelligence was first introduced in the year 1965 which had some issues in the beginning and after evolution it also started developing.

Feeding input to the robot

General purpose:

The purpose of creating an artificial environment is to make our work more productive and accomplish the task on time

Artificial intelligence too makes the problem solving quick provided with a proper input.

Practical examples we see in our day to day life are the Google Assistant, Siri, or Alexa, which were first at fault but as evolution occured they improvised and now can do whatever an individual input.


A superintelligence or a hypothetical machine can create more wonders than a man could afford to create.

If an intelligent software is developed then it can be improvised and reprogrammed.

If it is more evolving then it would lead to intelligence explosion and surpass human.


For everything that exits has merits and demerits

If the AI is so much developed and has the capability of reprogramming itself then it would get control out of human which is quite dangerous

Morality is not shown by the machines so human cannot depend on it to that extent.


AI now cannot be made a primary instrument to accomplish a task but can be believed to an extent to accomplish small tasks.

But I’m sure that it may evolve in the upcoming years and can be trusted hopefully.

What is AI?
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