What are Sorting Algorithms and it’s types

In this blog let us look into what is sorting and what are the various types of sorting algorithms.

Before getting into the details let us start with an example say you have to make a team with which you are going to work on a project and you are assigned with a lot of people in which you have to select the most talented people first and then eliminate the one’s who does not pass in the test.

The first test was given and from that round you sorted out 15 members in which 5 are most talented and 10 are average so what you do is put 5 talented people in the first priority for the interview and put the rest 10 after the 5 people.

What are doing in the previous scenario?

We are trying to sort out the most talented people and put them first and average people next so let us now define what is sorting?

What is Sorting?

Sorting is nothing but arrangement of data in a specific order.

What are sorting algorithms?

Sorting algorithms are used to arrange an array/list in a specific order.

What are the types?

Sorting is divided into 9 main types they are:

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