In this blog we are going to see how to automate a message on Whatsapp via python.
Texting at any time is a hectic task. We can make the use of python to perform this task and get our work done in a very short time.
Let us look in this blog how to automate a message.
The steps to be followed are:
Step 1: install pycharm on your system from the link given.
Step 2:
Step 3: Download and install the IDE.
Step 4: Now first we need to create a new project
And then name the project.
Now we need to open the pycharm terminal and install pywhatkit in it.
install: pip install pywhatkit
And now after the installation we can go ahead and start our automation process.
Now we need to import pywhatkit in it.
Code: import pywhatkit Now we need to make the use of pywhatkit and send the message: pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("phone-number", "The message", hours, minutes) .... We need to enter the phone number with the country code or else the compiler will pop error. Now the output and full code is: import pywhatkit pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg("+xyz", "This is", 13, 49) And run this code the output would be:
After the code is successfully compiled you will be redirected to your whatsapp web.
For a visual clarity refer to:
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