Copying A String – C

Copying a String:

  • Since you cannot assign arrays in C, you cannot assign strings either.
  • char s[100]; //declare
  • s = “hello”; // initialize – DOESN’T WORK (‘lvalue required’ error)
  • you can also use an strncpy() function to copy a string to an existing string.
  • The string equivalent of the assignment operator.

             char src[50], dest[50];

             strcpy(src, “This is source”);

            strcpy(dest, “This is destination”);

  • The strcpy() function doesn’t check to see whether the source string actually fits in the target string
  • Safer way to copy strings is to use strncpy()
  • Strncpy() takes the third argument.
  • The maximum number of characters to copy.
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char src[30] = "Prequelcoding is coder space";
    char temp[50];
    strcpy(temp, src);
    printf("The channel: %s\n", temp);

    return 0;


If we want to print a upto a certain range then:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char src[30] = "Prequelcoding is coder space";
    char temp[50]; //size of the array which is going to hold the source or src
    strncpy(temp, src, 10);
    temp[10] = '\0'; //we are going to do the null termination after 10 characters.
    printf("The channel: %s\n", temp);

    return 0;

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