Year: 2023

What is Deep Learning & it’s applications?

In this blog I will try to drive you through what exactly deep learning is and what are it’s applications. Now before understanding what deep learning is let’s us try to understand a real-time example. Say, we have a image and we need to identify a particular feature in it so as we know that […]

What is the mechanism of RSA Encryption?

In the previous blog we have seen what is encryption and what are the various types of encryption and also have defined what RSA encryption is. In this blog let us understand how exactly RSA encryption works? What is RSA encryption? RSA(Rivest Shamir Adleman) is a public key cryptosystem used to secure the data transmission. […]

Types of Encryption And What is RSA?

In the previous blog we have seen what is encryption in this blog let us understand what are the various types of encryption. There are two types of encryption they are as follows: What do you mean by symmetric encryption? Symmetric encryption uses only one key to encrypt as well as to decrypt the information. […]

What do you mean by Encryption?

In this blog let us understand what is encryption and look at it’s types. Before getting into details let me give you a real-time example which will give you a better clarity to understand what exactly encryption is. Say you want to give a quotation about your new project to your client and want to […]

What is Crypto Currency?

In the previous blog we have seen what is web 3 and how is it different from web 1 and web 2 so in this blog let us see what crypto currency is? Before getting into details let us try to illustrate it with a simple example: There is a New Year sale going on […]

Evolution of Web 1.0 to Web 3.0

In a daily scenario, when we try posting a photo, video or any tweet on Twitter which violates the rules of it will be instantly deleted but why is it like that?? Before understanding this example let us try to understand what is Web 1.0? Web 1.0: Web 1 is a read only medium which […]

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